FAQ: Packing Tips
What should I pack/ wear?
Bring good, comfortable aerobic walking shoes or sandals with rubber soles. You can dress accordingly for the entire day or you can bring a shirt and wrap-around skirt or larger pull-on pants to go over whatever you are wearing that day. You will want to bring your favorite cap, straw hat or sun visor. Most cruises will have at least one formal or 'dress up' night. A tux is certainly permitted but not required. You should bring at least one sports coat and pair of nice slacks for this event.
Is there a limit on the amount of luggage I can take?
Not so much for the cruise ships as for the airlines. Luggage allowances vary between airlines and between international and domestic flights (and are subject to change). We recommend that each passenger travel with no more than two large suitcases and one carry-on. Many airlines are charging additional fees for checked luggage. For applicable and current information regarding luggage allowances and fees, please contact your airline directly.
You may want to consider packing a duffle or soft-sided suitcase in one of your suitcases for souvenirs and clothing you'll buy on the cruise. A lot of retailers in ports-of-call are setup to ship purchases to your home. One of the best investments you can make is a digital luggage scale to weigh your suitcases before you get to the airport. One overage will more than pay for this valuable little gadget.
What To Pack For A Cruise
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